Wednesday, July 31, 2024


With the eyes of the world on Paris, France, for the 33rd Olympiad, which events are you looking forward to? Do you know that the surfing competition will take place 9,770 miles away from Paris in Teahupo'o, Tahiti, an island in French Polynesia? In the spirit of previous leadership series here on my blog, I've asked 17 leadership and marketing experts to respond to five questions with the hope that both the questions and answers lead you to think about the Olympics in new and interesting ways.

For today's post, I'd like to introduce Shep Hyken. Based in St. Louis, Missouri, Shep is a customer service/customer experience expert, award-winning keynote speaker, researcher, and New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. As the Chief Amazement Officer at Shepard Presentations, Shep helps his clients create amazing experiences for their customers and employees.

Before we begin, here are my two favorite quotes about the Olympics:

"In baseball and in business, there are three types of people. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happened." ~Tommy Lasorda (Team USA Baseball Manager in 1984 and Olympic gold medalist)

"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does — that makes you a winner right there." ~Venus Williams (Team USA Tennis, 4-time Olympic gold medalist)

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT do you most vividly recall, and why?

SHEP HYKEN: I remember when the US Olympic hockey team won the Gold in 1980 - and even more exciting, won their game in the semi-finals against Russia, who was a four-time defending champion and the favored team to go all the way. I've always been a hockey fan, since the St. Louis Blues became part of the NHL in 1967, when I was VERY young. I was with friends at a hotel in Colorado that weekend. While we cheered the US team as they won, I had no idea just how big the game was. Back then, the team was mostly amateur players. Only a few had minor league experience. Today, the top professionals in the sport participate in the Olympics. It's a different "contest." I still remember the feelings of jubilation and excitement when the US team won. Little did I know, that Sports Illustrated would name what is referred to as "The Miracle On Ice" as the top sports moment of the 20th century.

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT OR EVENT stands out due to EITHER a lack of OR evidence of LEADERSHIP?

SHEP HYKEN: As my favorite Olympic moment was the "Miracle On Ice," it should surprise you that I'm a fan of the US coach that year, Herb Brooks. While the movie ("Miracle On Ice"), was a dramatic depiction of Coach Brooks and his coaching style, there was a lot of truth to it. I know a number of players that played for Herb. After beating the Russians in the semi-finals, the US team still had to play for the Gold. They did, and they won. The "big game" was against the Russians. Often in sports, after winning a big game, teams lose their next game. It took a lot of mental effort to play on to win the next day. Everyone had their part to play, and the coach had to make sure that the words he shared in the locker room found their way to the ice during the game.

QUESTION: What Olympic SPORT demonstrates effective and/or inspirational leadership?

SHEP HYKEN: All Olympic sports represent effective leadership. These athletes are performing at the highest level. They need to feed off of each other's energy. They need motivation and direction from their coaches. Regardless of an individual sport or a team sport, they all represent a level of leadership we can admire and learn from.

SHARE THIS: All Olympic sports represent a level of leadership we can admire and learn from. ~@hyken #OlympicsLeadershipSeries #DebbieLaskeysBlog

QUESTION: What is an important BUSINESS LESSON we can learn from the Olympics?

SHEP HYKEN: If an athlete does their best, yet still doesn't win, that doesn't mean that they were a failure. If we draw the parallel between that scenario and business, you'll find salespeople that put their best proposal together, and still may not get the business. Or the customer service representative that does everything they have been taught to do (and sometimes more), and still don't make their customer happy. 

The key is to do your best - every day. Show up to work, just as an athlete shows up to compete, planning to give your very best effort. Try to be better than yesterday, every day. It doesn't matter if you are or aren't. If you have that kind of work ethic, nobody can fault you for delivering anything less than your best.

QUESTION: If YOU competed in the Olympics, which sport would you choose, and why?

SHEP HYKEN: Going back to my original answer about "The Miracle On Ice," I would love to play hockey. I still play three to four times a week. Hockey is a hobby, a passion, and a major part of my life.

My gratitude to Shep for sharing his leadership insights and for being a part of my #OlympicsLeadershipSeries.

Image Credit: Samantha Gades via Unsplash.

Read more about the Miracle on Ice:

Connect with Shep at these links:





Check out Shep's previous appearances here on my blog:

FALL BACK TO READING SERIES – Featuring Shep Hyken (October 2023)

Does Your Brand Walk in Your Customer's Shoes? (May 2019)

Summer Reading Recap: Business and Fiction (August 2018)

Who Does Your Brand Talk to in Social Media? (May 2014)

How Does Your Business Create Social Media Circles? (April 2014)

Customer Service vs. Customer Experience: Does Your Business Know the Difference? (February 2014)

Customer Service vs. Lost Business (October 2013)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


With the eyes of the world on Paris, France, for the 33rd Olympiad, which events are you looking forward to? Do you know that the surfing competition will take place 9,770 miles away from Paris in Teahupo'o, Tahiti, an island in French Polynesia? In the spirit of previous leadership series here on my blog, I've asked 17 leadership and marketing experts to respond to five questions with the hope that both the questions and answers lead you to think about the Olympics in new and interesting ways.

For today's post, I'd like to introduce Mike Fox, who I met through Bill Shumard, President Emeritus of the Special Olympics of Southern California. Years ago, when I was a high school intern for the Community Services Department at Dodger Stadium, Bill served as Director of Community Services. Bill and I have stayed in touch over the years, and when I told Bill about this blog series, he suggested that Mike Fox participate - you'll understand why from his bio.

Mike Fox worked for the Los Angeles Dodgers from 1978 to 1988, and was part of a marketing team that helped the Dodgers reach a milestone that MLB owners thought was unattainable, reaching three million fans in attendance in a single season. In 1984, Mike was appointed by Peter O'Malley, Dodgers owner, as the Dodgers liaison to the International Olympic Committee to promote and stage the demonstration sport of baseball as part of the 23rd Olympic Games in Los Angeles. The 1984 Olympic baseball event generated 400,000 fans in attendance and became the third highest attended sport during the 1984 Olympic Games, and as a result, baseball was granted Gold Medal status in future Olympics. In 1988, Mike took over his family's startup transportation business in Southern California, Fox Transportation, and has expanded the business into a national logistics company with several hundred employees operating in 18 states.

Before we begin, here are my two favorite quotes about the Olympics:

"In baseball and in business, there are three types of people. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happened." ~Tommy Lasorda (Team USA Baseball Manager in 1984 and Olympic gold medalist)

"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does — that makes you a winner right there." ~Venus Williams (Team USA Tennis, 4-time Olympic gold medalist)

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT do you most vividly recall, and why?

MIKE FOX: Standing on the field at Dodger Stadium during the Gold Medal Presentation for the Baseball Olympics in 1984 was a great moment for baseball fans around the world. Until 1984, the Olympic Committee was largely influenced by European leaders who were unfamiliar with the popularity of baseball around the world, which at that time, was played on a competitive level in over 100 countries. However, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) thought it was mostly an American sport. When IOC President, Juan Antonio Samaranch attended the Gold Medal game between USA vs. Japan, he witnessed 56,000 fans at Dodger Stadium enjoying a dramatic game between two amazing baseball teams. Japan won, and as President Samaranch presented the Gold Medals to the Japanese baseball team, he turned to Dodgers Owner Peter O’Malley and (future) MLB Baseball Commissioner Peter Ueberroth and said, "I had no idea that baseball was so popular and so exciting." Eight days of double header baseball at Dodger Stadium made it the third highest attended sport out of 32 sports in the 1984 Summer Olympics. This was a great moment for baseball around the world, and because of efforts by Peter O’Malley, who guaranteed all expenses to stage the 1984 demonstration of baseball as part of the 23rd Olympic Games in Los Angeles, baseball was granted Gold Medal status for all future Olympics.

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT OR EVENT stands out due to EITHER a lack of OR evidence of LEADERSHIP?

MIKE FOX: Today we see players from many countries in Major League Baseball, but few realize that the promotion of baseball around the world began in 1956, when Walter O’Malley took the Dodgers to Japan. Walter's son, Peter O’Malley, picked up the torch to promote baseball around the world and made some 25 trips to Japan and built the first baseball field in China. Peter's wife, Annette, also became an ambassador and traveled to Canada, China, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Japan to promote baseball.

QUESTION: What Olympic SPORT demonstrates effective and/or inspirational leadership?

MIKE FOX: There is no better sport than baseball to demonstrate inspirational leadership. Why? It takes 9 players to interact with a variety of skills to be able to play a game that, at any moment, the unknown can occur. The manager must know his players and their abilities and be able to lead and motivate. The assembly of a variety of personalities, professional skills, and backgrounds to culminate into a winning team is a very difficult task, much more so than a single athlete who competes in individual competition. In today's era when many managers rely on computer analysis to put the right batter at the plate, or shift an infield depending on where a batter might hit, there is still nothing more meaningful than a manager who knows his players and their capabilities from day to day over the course of a long grueling season, and most importantly, leads, motivates, and helps them succeed.

QUESTION: What is an important BUSINESS LESSON we can learn from the Olympics?

MIKE FOX: Perhaps, the most important lesson to learn from the Olympics is that so many countries depend on the Olympics to fund and promote their sports. Unlike the United States, whereby professional sports are funded by large television contracts and gate receipts, less-fortunate countries depend on the exposure of the Olympic Games to be able to attract athletes and secure government funding for training facilities and coaching staffs. Without the Olympics, small countries might not be able to field athletes in a variety of sporting events.

QUESTION: If YOU competed in the Olympics, which sport would you choose, and why?

MIKE FOX: Baseball. First, baseball is played before a large audience of 40,000-to-50,000 fans, and there is nothing more exciting than a great game with this large number of fans screaming in the stands for their teams. Second, the a baseball game generally lasts 2-to-3 hours, so, unlike individual track and field events which last only a few minutes, a player who participates in a baseball game has the thrill of competition for several hours. This can include going to the plate several times to bat, or being a pitcher against multiple hitters, or being the game closer trying to win the game while the other team has the bases loaded. There are so many dramatic moments in a baseball game, involving multiple players and chess type calculations to be made. The more a fan truly understands the complexities of the game, the more enjoyable the game is to watch.

SHARE THIS: There is nothing more meaningful than a baseball manager who knows his players and their capabilities and leads, motivates, and helps them succeed. ~Mike Fox #OlympicsLeadershipSeries #DebbieLaskeysBlog

My gratitude to Mike Fox (and to Bill Shumard for suggesting Mike!) for sharing his leadership insights and for being a part of my #OlympicsLeadershipSeries.

Image Credit: Rawlings and LA Olympic Organizing Committee (LAOOC).

Signed baseballs from each participating team in the 1984 Olympic Baseball exhibition tournament at Dodger Stadium:

Mark McGwire remembers baseball's Olympic boom in 1984:

Note, according to NBC News, "Though baseball was first featured in the Olympic Games of 1904 and later turned into a medal event for the 1992 Olympics Games in Barcelona, Spain, America’s National Pastime seen one too many a curve ball when it comes to consistently being featured in the Olympics. While doping was a deleterious concern in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, the primary and long-standing issue behind baseball’s tenuous relationship with the Olympic Games lies within scheduling. Out of a typical 162-game Major League Baseball (MLB) season, the summer is a critical period for professional baseball, leading to significant conflicts for players wanting to play ball for their countries in the legendary Games.

Commissioner of the MLB Robert Manfred voiced his concern about the disruptive stress put upon an MLB team if several of its players walked away during the summer to participate in the Olympics. He told Forbes in 2020, "No matter how you put the event together, there would be a significant amount of major league players who would be away from their teams. It would alter the competition in our everyday game. I do not believe our owners would support some sort of a break in our season. Continuity is really important to our competition."

So, while baseball will not be included in the Paris Olympics, it has been added to the Los Angeles 2028 (LA28) Olympics per a decision at the 141st Session of the International Olympic Committee.

Read more about the decision here:

Monday, July 29, 2024


With the eyes of the world on Paris, France, for the 33rd Olympiad, which events are you looking forward to? Do you know that the surfing competition will take place 9,770 miles away from Paris in Teahupo'o, Tahiti, an island in French Polynesia? In the spirit of previous leadership series here on my blog, I've asked 17 leadership and marketing experts to respond to five questions with the hope that both the questions and answers lead you to think about the Olympics in new and interesting ways.

For today's post, I'd like to introduce Melanie Bell, based in Houston, Texas. Melanie is the Co-Founder of Strategic Piece, a company that helps B2B businesses generate outstanding revenue growth by bringing together their marketing, sales, and service teams around an information-driven customer experience. However, Melanie is not only about marketing. She founded Leaders Who Fiction, a virtual monthly book club (where we met in 2023!), while running Strategic Piece. Through Leaders Who Fiction, Melanie helps people develop leadership skills by reading fiction and participating in monthly intellectual, business-oriented conversations centered around a selected novel. Prior to Strategic Piece, Melanie was President of Marketing Interface, which she founded in 2014, after serving as Director of Marketing at SURGE Accelerator/SURGE Ventures. Melanie earned a BA in International Development from McGill University in Montreal and an MBA from Rice University in Houston.

Before we begin, here are my two favorite quotes about the Olympics:

"In baseball and in business, there are three types of people. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happened." ~Tommy Lasorda (Team USA Baseball Manager in 1984 and Olympic gold medalist)

"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does — that makes you a winner right there." ~Venus Williams (Team USA Tennis, 4-time Olympic gold medalist)

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT do you most vividly recall, and why?

MELANIE BELL: I think our ability to recall details is so tied to where we watched something like The Olympics, who we were watching with, and what made that stand out or not. I was with my family in Dublin, Ireland, during the 1996 Olympics that took place in Atlanta, Georgia. We spent a lot of time in pubs watching The Olympics and cheered on Ireland's swimmer, Michelle Smith, who was cleaning up the medals that year! Her doping came to light later. That was the same Olympics when Kerri Strug pulled out an amazing vault and was carried off by her coach Bela Karolyi. 

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT OR EVENT stands out due to EITHER a lack of OR evidence of LEADERSHIP?

MELANIE BELL: In the 2016 Olympics, there was the debacle that has been dubbed "Lochtegate." That was when a group of American swimmers said they had been robbed at gunpoint while enjoying a night out in Rio. However, the swimmers lied about what happened and then tried to cover up the real story. That lack of integrity — which happened multiple times throughout that scandal — sticks in my mind as a moment when there was a lack of leadership during the Olympics. 

QUESTION: What Olympic SPORT demonstrates effective and/or inspirational leadership?

MELANIE BELL: Every single moment! Every Olympic moment is so infused with inspiration. Even athletes that compete in individual events are supported by coaches and teams, a whole slew of people whose teamwork makes it possible for them to compete at such an elite level. 

But if I had to pick one, I'd pick ice hockey. (I hope it's okay to pick a winter sport for a post for the Summer Olympics!) I love watching hockey teams skate together, rotate through the line-up, and react to the other team. There are superstars and captains, but the most successful teams play with an unselfish style. Plus, it's an easy analogy to make to leadership because there is a team of people with the shared objective of scoring as many goals as possible.

SHARE THIS: Every Olympic moment is so infused with inspiration. ~Melanie Bell #OlympicsLeadershipSeries #DebbieLaskeysBlog

SHARE THIS: Hockey is an easy analogy to make to leadership because there is a team of people with the shared objective of scoring as many goals as possible. ~Melanie Bell #OlympicsLeadershipSeries #DebbieLaskeysBlog

QUESTION: What is an important BUSINESS LESSON we can learn from the Olympics?

MELANIE BELL: Why are we so pulled into this international sporting event every two years? I think it has to do with the emotional connection the brand has with its audience. I will gladly watch sports I've never played and don't follow simply because these are the best of the best, and there's nothing quite like watching someone win the gold medal or suffer "the agony of defeat." 

The competition is certainly rife with controversy and ethical and moral questions that are challenging to solve, but seeing the rings and hearing the theme song (which will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day now that I've thought of it) will make me well up every single time.

SHARE THIS: We are so pulled into this international sporting event due to the emotional connection the brand has with its audience. ~Melanie Bell #OlympicsLeadershipSeries #DebbieLaskeysBlog

QUESTION: If YOU competed in the Olympics, which sport would you choose, and why?

MELANIE BELL: I would compete in synchronized swimming. I played a lot of sports when I was a kid, but I was also on my local synchronized swimming team for five years, and it was admittedly a quirky choice. The costumes, the music, the routines, and the aquatic fitness — I have a soft spot for all of it. One of the things I appreciated about the sport is that you can compete by yourself in solo events or as part of a team, and I like that it offers both opportunities.

My gratitude to Melanie for sharing her leadership insights and for being a part of my #OlympicsLeadershipSeries.

Image Credit:

Read more about Michelle Smith:


Read more about Kerri Strug:

Read more about Lochtegate:


Connect with Melanie at these links:





Check out Melanie’s LEADERS WHO FICTION's appearance on my blog:

The Best Book I Read in 2023 (February 2024)

Check out Melanie's previous appearance on my blog:

SPRING LEADERSHIP SERIES – Featuring Melanie Bell (June 2024)

Sunday, July 28, 2024


With the eyes of the world on Paris, France, for the 33rd Olympiad, which events are you looking forward to? Do you know that the surfing competition will take place 9,770 miles away from Paris in Teahupo'o, Tahiti, an island in French Polynesia? In the spirit of previous leadership series here on my blog, I've asked 17 leadership and marketing experts to respond to five questions with the hope that both the questions and answers lead you to think about the Olympics in new and interesting ways.

For today's post, I'd like to introduce Simon Porter. I met Simon back in 2014, when we were both members of the IBM Midsize Insider blog community. Based in London, England, Simon is a multicultural leader and business builder who is passionate about the workforce of the future. He has broad experience in all aspects of channels, marketing, sales, and deal making; and is a leading influencer in cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things - enabling businesses to adapt to disruption. And he will be in attendance at the Paris Olympics!

Before we begin, here are my two favorite quotes about the Olympics:

"In baseball and in business, there are three types of people. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happened." ~Tommy Lasorda (Team USA Baseball Manager in 1984 and Olympic gold medalist)

"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does — that makes you a winner right there." ~Venus Williams (Team USA Tennis, 4-time Olympic gold medalist)

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT do you most vividly recall, and why? 

SIMON PORTER: The London Olympics opening ceremony in 2012 with what appeared to be the Queen jumping out of a helicopter plus a history of the UK’s achievements made me proud to be  British - and the event was a reminder of how broad the Olympics is, that it is not just about elite professional sports but a culture and movement.

SHARE THIS: The Olympics is not just about elite professional sports but a culture and movement. ~Simon Porter #OlympicsLeadershipSeries #DebbieLaskeysBlog

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT OR EVENT stands out due to EITHER a lack of OR evidence of LEADERSHIP? 

SIMON PORTER: To bring any of the Summer or Winter Olympics to fruition is an amazing example of leadership. The London Olympics was a great example by Sebastian Coe to regenerate an area of East London into what remains even now an area of continuing sports activity for the wider public with a legacy of fantastic venues.

QUESTION: What Olympic SPORT demonstrates effective and/or inspirational leadership? 

SIMON PORTER: I rowed at school and know how physically challenging the sport is - even more so to get the maximum out of each crew member in such trying circumstances. To lead a crew and to do this at five successive games in the way that Steve Redgrave did is awe-inspiring. 

QUESTION: What is an important BUSINESS LESSON we can learn from the Olympics? 

SIMON PORTER: Training, commitment, and perseverance lead to success.

QUESTION: If YOU competed in the Olympics, which sport would you choose, and why? 

SIMON PORTER: I was a white water canoe fanatic at university so would love to be at a standard to be able to compete at the Olympics in canoe slalom. I chose this partially due to my passion for the sport but mainly because it is so important in my opinion to continue having the Olympics as a beacon for the broadest range of sports - and not just the professional sports that are seen on TV every day of the week.

My gratitude to Simon for sharing his leadership insights and for being a part of my #OlympicsLeadershipSeries.

Image Credit: BBC.

Read more about the memorable Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympics:

How Queen Elizabeth II Ensured Famous James Bond Scene Was Authentic (Newsweek)

Queen Elizabeth's famous James Bond scene for 2012 London Olympics was 'incredible', says Daniel Craig (Scottish Daily Express)

Connect with Simon at these links:



Details about the IBM Midsize Insider blog program:

Saturday, July 27, 2024


With the eyes of the world on Paris, France, for the 33rd Olympiad, which events are you looking forward to? Do you know that the surfing competition will take place 9,770 miles away from Paris in Teahupo'o, Tahiti, an island in French Polynesia? In the spirit of previous leadership series here on my blog, I've asked 17 leadership and marketing experts to respond to five questions with the hope that both the questions and answers lead you to think about the Olympics in new and interesting ways.

For today's post, I'd like to introduce James Strock, based in San Diego, California. James is an independent writer, speaker, reformer, and entrepreneur. He's also the author of several books about leadership, politics, Ronald Reagan, and Theodore Roosevelt.

Before we begin, here are my two favorite quotes about the Olympics:

"In baseball and in business, there are three types of people. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happened." ~Tommy Lasorda (Team USA Baseball Manager in 1984 and Olympic gold medalist)

"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does — that makes you a winner right there." ~Venus Williams (Team USA Tennis, 4-time Olympic gold medalist)

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT do you most vividly recall, and why? 

JAMES STROCK: Along with many others of my generation, Friday, February 22, 1980, is a date to remember. This was the highly anticipated ice hockey confrontation of the United States and the Soviet Union during the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, New York.

To set the scene, recall that this was during the height of the Cold War between the US and USSR. Americans were in the grip of what was called a "malaise." The economy was in a slump, with interest rates for home mortgages approaching 13 percent in February 1980. President Carter was flailing in office, exemplified by his reshuffling his cabinet in the prior summer, his response to what he called a national "crisis of confidence." In the world, the Soviet Union and its allies were on offense. America was in a bit of a slump amid nearly a decade of decline, defeat, and relentless mediocrity - from Vietnam, to Watergate, to the Arab Oil Embargo and the Yom Kippur War, to the cultural desolation of Disco, bell-bottoms, CB radios, 8-tracks, and anti-heroes.

In this disordered moment, amid a cold winter, the Russians were heavily favored to retain the gold medal for hockey. They had prevailed in five of the six prior Olympics. Inevitably, the USSR-US game at Lake Placid became a metaphor for the larger moment.

Even the television network that owned the broadcast rights anticipated defeat, with the Americans serving as the Washington Generals to the Russia's equivalent of Harlem Globetrotters. As a result, in those pre-Internet days, it wasn't possible for Americans to see the event live.

Against all expectations, the American team achieved an unlikely "Miracle on Ice." The plucky Americans prevailed in a stunning upset, winning by 4-3. America came together as one, in a manner likely inconceivable to many young people in our fractured media and cultural moment.

Far more than "only a game," the Miracle on Ice set the stage for Americans' restoration of self-confidence in the coming years. In a bookend that no screenwriter could have credibly conjured, the Soviet Union collapsed a decade later. 

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT OR EVENT stands out due to EITHER a lack of OR evidence of LEADERSHIP? 

JAMES STROCK: For sheer drama, the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin constituted the backdrop for extraordinary, extreme events of leadership, and leadership failure.

Hitler's Nazi regime had been in power for more than three years. It remained enigmatic; this was well before its grotesque character was unmistakably revealed and comprehended around the world. The Nazis sensed a unique public relations opportunity. Filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl directed a propaganda documentary, presenting the games as the regime wished to be seen. Berlin was cleaned up, antisemitic signage temporarily removed. 

The marketing triumph of the Nazis was exemplified by the misguided decision of athletes from various nations to give a Nazi salute to Hitler. This infamously included a number of British participants.

Americans did not offer Hitler his desired salute. Instead, in the person of Jesse Owens, the US offered an irrefutable response to Nazi claims of "Aryan" superiority. Owens, an African-American who endured Jim Crow laws and other discrimination in his home country, won four gold medals and the heart of the world.

Hitler and other German hosts were disappointed to anger by Owens' triumph. Owens reported that Hitler nonetheless congratulated him - while American President Franklin Roosevelt declined to invite him to the White House. 

Perhaps, no other Olympics will occasion such an improbable, cinematic mélange of greatness and meanness, courage and cowardice, character and cravenness. 

QUESTION: What Olympic SPORT demonstrates effective and/or inspirational leadership? 

JAMES STROCK: The Olympics set standards of human excellence and striving across a range of events. Whether competing in an individual capacity or as part of a team, effective and inspirational leadership is the foundation for superhuman endeavor.

QUESTION: What is an important BUSINESS LESSON we can learn from the Olympics?

JAMES STROCK: Recurring business lessons from the Olympics are: dedication and focus; resilience amid failure; adaptability amid kaleidoscopic circumstances; individual self-control; the capacity to serve as part of a team; and a sense of being part of a larger enterprise and community that require tending to, sometimes at considerable personal cost.

SHARE THIS: A recurring business lesson from the Olympics is the capacity to serve as part of a team. ~@jamesstrock #OlympicsLeadershipSeries #DebbieLaskeysBlog

QUESTION: If YOU competed in the Olympics, which sport would you choose, and why?

JAMES STROCK: Possessing modest athletic gifts, the notion of my competing in the Olympics is fanciful - quite difficult to conjure even as an exercise in imagination. I could apply ingenuity in a workaround such as participating in a niche, little noticed event such as racewalking. My dream would be to strive for the talents and character of Jesse Owens, replicating his Olympic records as part of an enduring American homage. In the world as it is, I'm content to honor him and what he represents as a great, exemplary American.

My gratitude to James for sharing his leadership insights and for being a part of my #OlympicsLeadershipSeries.

Image Credit: Merakist via Wordswag.

Read more about the Miracle on Ice:

Read more about Jesse Owens:

Read "How Jesse Owens Beat Hitler in German Running Shoes"

Read more about the Olympic sport of racewalking:

Connect with James at these links:






Check out James' previous appearances here on my blog:

SPRING LEADERSHIP SERIES - Featuring James Strock (April 2024)

FALL BACK TO READING SERIES – Featuring James Strock (October 2023)

What Happens When Leadership, Service and Encouragement Join Forces? (July 2020)

Sharing Timeless Leadership Lessons (November 2018)

Leadership Is All About Serving Others (March 2014)

Serve to Lead - What a Visionary Concept (March 2011) 

Friday, July 26, 2024


With the eyes of the world on Paris, France, for the 33rd Olympiad, which events are you looking forward to? Do you know that the surfing competition will take place 9,770 miles away from Paris in Teahupo'o, Tahiti, an island in French Polynesia? In the spirit of previous leadership series here on my blog, I've asked 17 leadership and marketing experts to respond to five questions with the hope that both the questions and answers lead you to think about the Olympics in new and interesting ways.

For today's post, I'd like to introduce Eric Jacobson, based in Kansas City, Missouri. Eric has three decades of experience in successfully leading employees and teams through periods of revenue growth, new product development, and re-engineering. He is an experienced mentor and coach and holds an MBA Degree from Keller Graduate School. His passion is helping individuals to become effective leaders at work, within organizations, and wherever they are called upon to lead and inspire. Eric’s writings about leadership and management appear regularly on his blog, and he's a regular contributor to my leadership series.

Before we begin, here are my two favorite quotes about the Olympics:

"In baseball and in business, there are three types of people. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happened." ~Tommy Lasorda (Team USA Baseball Manager in 1984 and Olympic gold medalist)

"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does — that makes you a winner right there." ~Venus Williams (Team USA Tennis, 4-time Olympic gold medalist)

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT do you most vividly recall, and why?

ERIC JACOBSON: I most vividly recall the startling and alarming moment when Greg Louganis, springboard, and platform diver, struck his head on the springboard during the preliminary rounds during the 1988 Seoul Olympics. At that moment, I realized that, despite being at the top of one’s game and being fully prepared, the unpredictable can happen.

Remarkably, Louganis completed the preliminaries despite his injury. He then earned the highest single score of the qualifying round for his next dive and repeated the dive during the finals, earning the gold medal by a margin of 25 points. 

Then, in the 10 meter finals, he won the gold medal, performing a 3.4 difficulty dive in his last attempt, surpassing silver medalist Xiong Ni. His comeback earned him the title of ABC's Wide World of Sports "Athlete of the Year" for 1988. 

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT OR EVENT stands out due to EITHER a lack of OR evidence of LEADERSHIP?

ERIC JACOBSON: Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has impressed me for years. Not only because of his earning 28 Olympic medals (23 of them gold) and his being a five-time Olympian, but also because of his leadership during and after his Olympic pursuits. 

His being open about his challenges with mental health and then by creating the Michael Phelps Foundation to assist others with mental health issues demonstrates his leadership. Phelps has helped to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness, by encouraging public discussion and speaking frequently to children and organizations.

I recall reading an article that described Phelps’ leadership moments during the 2016 Olympic Games, his final Olympics. According to the article, "Phelps decided that this would be his last Olympics; therefore, he wanted to enjoy the experience. For the first time, he participated in the opening ceremony (he was even selected by his teammates as the flag bearer), and served as the captain of the Olympic swim team. He brought the team closer by getting to know each teammate on a personal level, sharing his experiences, and in general, helping in any way that he could. He reminded everyone that they had all worked incredibly hard to make the Olympic team and that they should take the time and enjoy the moment. During the competition, you could see everyone enjoying themselves and the experience. The result was one of the best performances by a US Olympic swim team in history. When the team relaxed and just competed, they were able to do their best. By recognizing your gift, working hard, focusing on your craft, and taking the time to enjoy the journey, you too can be a Gold Medalist in the leadership category of the game we simply refer to as life."

QUESTION: What Olympic SPORT demonstrates effective and/or inspirational leadership?

ERIC JACOBSON: Any Olympic team sport has the capacity to demonstrate effective and/or inspirational leadership.

And although the following leadership lessons are from California State student-athletes and not (yet) Olympic competitors, their descriptions of leadership and leadership lessons are compelling. These wise student athletes said it best about both on and off the field leadership lessons they've learned through competing in their sport. Their thoughts included the following:

(1) It has taught me to communicate in the best way to get the most potential out of my teammates' abilities.

(2) My job is to lead my team in the right direction while also looking out for their and the team's best interests. By listening to my teammates and understanding what is going on within the team, I can lead them better.

(3) Athletics has taught me to always aim to better myself, and as a leader, I try to elevate my teammates to the same standard of always improving.

(4) True leaders show up every day to give everything they have to help the team.

QUESTION: What is an important BUSINESS LESSON we can learn from the Olympics?

ERIC JACOBSON: There are lots of business lessons that we can learn from the Olympics. I believe businesses can benefit from practicing many of the five official Olympic values and educational themes of Olympism, such as:

(1) Fair Play

(2) Respect For Others

(3) Pursuit Of Excellence

(4) Balance Between Body, Will And Mind

Also, as with Olympians, businesses need to be resilient, agile, adaptable and passionate about what they do.

Similarly, to be a part of a successful team (in sports or in business), you must learn to work with others, to communicate appropriately and to be able to understand people's strengths and weaknesses and how to put them in positions to be successful for the betterment of the team.

QUESTION: If YOU competed in the Olympics, which sport would you choose, and why?

ERIC JACOBSON: I would choose to compete in the Summer Olympics Marathon road running event, because my passion is running. In addition, it is the sport in which I have achieved the best results versus any other sport I have participated in.

SHARE THIS: As with Olympians, businesses need to be resilient, agile, adaptable and passionate about what they do. ~@EricJacobsonKC #OlympicsLeadershipSeries #DebbieLaskeysBlog

SHARE THIS: To be a part of a successful team, you must learn to work with others, to communicate appropriately, and how to put people in positions to be successful for the betterment of the team. ~@EricJacobsonKC #OlympicsLeadershipSeries #DebbieLaskeysBlog

My gratitude to Eric for sharing his leadership insights and for being a part of my #OlympicsLeadershipSeries.

Image Credit: WordSwag.

Links shared by Eric:

Michael Phelps Foundation:

Four Leadership Lesions from 2016 Olympic Games (HuffPost):

Cal State Student Athletes website:

Lessons from Simone Biles and the Olympics (2021):

Connect with Eric at these links:



Check out Eric's previous appearances here on my blog:

FALL BACK TO READING SERIES – Featuring Eric Jacobson (September 2023)

Let's Celebrate #NationalLeadershipDay! (February 2023)

How Leadership Crafts the #EmployeeExperience (May 2018)

Leadership Doesn't Have to Be Hard (May 2016)

The Importance of Mentorships (March 2013)

The Importance of Training, Customer Connections, and Leadership (March 2011) 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Introducing the #OlympicsLeadershipSeries on #DebbieLaskeysBlog

I've been honored over the last year to feature two thought-provoking leadership series that welcomed nearly 50 marketing and leadership experts to my blog. These individuals participated in my #FallBacktoReadingSeries and #SpringLeadershipSeries, and, without a doubt, inspired me and my blog's readers.

With the Olympics upon us, I'd like to announce the launch of another series here on my blog, my #OlympicsLeadershipSeries. I have asked 17 experts to answer the five questions below, and since I've asked them, I decided to provide my answers to kick off the series. I hope this series provides some new ways to think about the Olympics as you watch the competitions.

So, each day as you watch the Olympics during the next two weeks, tune into #DebbieLaskeysBlog to learn how leadership aligns with the Olympics. At the conclusion of the Olympics, I will share series highlights on August 12th; a recap of the Paris Olympics competition on August 13th; and Five Business Lessons from the Paris 2024 Olympics on August 14th.

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT do you most vividly recall, and why?
DEBBIE LASKEY: As with all winter Olympics, figure skating is a much anticipated sport, and 1980 was no different. However, despite being favorites to win a gold medal, American athletes and figure skaters Tai Babilonia (age 19) and her skating partner Randy Gardner (age 21) had to pull out of the competition at the last moment due to an injury to Gardner. This incident taught me at an early age that sometimes, even the best, most talented among us fall down or fail - but we should not give up on our dreams or working toward our goals.

QUESTION: What Olympic MOMENT OR EVENT stands out as either lack of OR evidence of leadership?
DEBBIE LASKEY: I need only mention two names, and the story tells itself: Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding. According to Wikipedia, "On January 6, 1994, an assailant used a police baton to strike Kerrigan on her landing knee; the attacker was hired by the ex-husband of her rival Tonya Harding. The attack injured Kerrigan, but she quickly recovered. Harding and Kerrigan both participated in the 1994 Winter Olympics, but after the Games, Harding was permanently banned from competitive figure skating. At the Olympics, Kerrigan won the silver medal in a controversial showdown with gold medal winner Oksana Baiul. She then started touring and performed with several ice skating troupes that included Champions on Ice and Broadway on Ice. In 2017, she was a contestant on Dancing with the Stars."

Despite the injury and ensuing media coverage, Nancy Kerrigan rose above the bizarre drama surrounding this incident to compete, win a medal, all while demonstrating integrity, professionalism, and inspiration. Without a doubt, those are admirable leadership qualities.

QUESTION: What Olympic SPORT demonstrates effective leadership?
DEBBIE LASKEY: Do you remember the film "Cool Runnings?" Do you know where it got its inspiration?

The Jamaica national bobsled team represents Jamaica in international bobsleding competitions. The men's four-men bobsled team debuted in the 1988 Winter Olympic Games in Calgary, Alberta. Jamaica returned to the Winter Olympics in the two-man bobsled in 1992, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2014, and 2022. According to Wikipedia, "The team's underdog status as an unlikely competitor in a cold weather sport represented by a nation with a tropical environment quickly gained them popularity. They had little experience in the sport and had to appeal to other teams for basic equipment in order to compete; sporting camaraderie across national boundaries followed."

If something looks difficult or impossible, the Jamaican bobsled team proved that teamwork can lead to unexpected success!

SHARE THIS: The Jamaican bobsled team proved that teamwork can lead to unexpected success. ~@DebbieLaskeyMBA #OlympicsLeadershipSeries #DebbieLaskeysBlog

QUESTION: What is an important BUSINESS LESSON that we can learn from this international athletic event?
DEBBIE LASKEY: TEAMWORK: Even if an athlete doesn’t win a Gold, Silver, or Bronze medal, he/she/they is an Olympic athlete. For your business, even if an employee doesn’t make the biggest sale or develop the next iPad, they are still contributing in some way to the overall bottom line or working toward the same goal.

Here's a great example, thanks to Mark Herbert for sharing this story in his book, Managing Whole People, One Man's Journey:

A man went to a hospital in Texas because he wanted to meet a famous heart surgeon. As the man left the hospital, he met an elderly janitor who was mopping the floor. The man asked, "What do you do here at the hospital?" The elderly man replied, "Dr. DeBakey and I save lives together." The elderly man explained that Dr. DeBakey had told all employees that hospital infections kill more patients than disease, so while the elderly janitor was NOT a medical professional, he was doing HIS part to keep the hospital clean.

QUESTION: If YOU competed in the Olympics, which sport would you choose, and why?
DEBBIE LASKEY: I would choose CURLING because it's such an unusual sport and also MOGULS because they make all athletes look graceful. In addition, for moguls, a person is completely defined by his/her/their athletic ability - as a result of the ski pants, jacket, gloves, and head covering, the person's ethnicity/demographics are totally irrelevant. Athletes are judged solely by their ability, which is the entire point of the Olympic competition.

And a final reminder, as you watch the Olympics during the next two weeks, tune into #DebbieLaskeysBlog each day through August 14th. Enjoy the competition of the 33rd Olympiad!

For details about curling, check out this link:

For details about moguls, check out these links:

SHARE THIS: Only five countries have participated in every Summer Olympic Games: Australia, France, Great Britain, Greece, and Switzerland. #OlympicsLeadershipSeries #FunFact #DebbieLaskeysBlog

Image Credits: Paris 2024 Olympic Organizing Committee, Sporting News, and Snowbrains.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What's on Your Reading List for the Paris Olympics?

Are you ready for the Paris Olympics? Have you been counting the hours until the Opening Ceremony takes place along the Seine River? Have you been checking out the broadcast schedule so that you'll be able to watch your favorite sports live?

As the world turns its attention to the French capital and the thousands of athletes who will compete in a myriad of sports, there's something else you can do while you enjoy the Olympics and afterward: read a book that features the city of Paris as a central character.

SHARE THIS: Walking Paris is often described as reading, as though the city itself were a huge anthology of tales. It exerts a magnetic attraction over its citizens and visitors. ~Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust #DebbieLaskeysBlog

Since I've found many spellbinding and immersive books that will appeal to bibliophiles of all ages, I invite you to check out my list:


Rick Steves Pocket Paris by Rick Steves (c. 2023)


Doorways of Paris by Raquel Puig (c. 2017)


111 Museums in Paris That You Shouldn't Miss by Anne Carminati and James Wesolowski (c. 2023)


Art Hiding in Paris: An Illustrated Guide to the Secret Masterpieces of the City of Light by Lori Zimmer (c. 2022)


The French Ingredient: Making a Life in Paris One Lesson at a Time; A Memoir by Jane Bertch (c. 2024)


The Paris Daughter by Kristin Harmel (c. 2023)


Paris Is Always a Good Idea by Jenn McKinlay (c. 2020)


The Paris Novel by Ruth Reichl (c. 2024)


The Forgotten Bookshop in Paris by Daisy Wood (c. 2022)


Murder at the Paris Fashion House by Nancy Warren (c. 2024)


The Room on Rue Amelie by Kristin Harmel (c. 2018)


The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George (c. 2013)


The Paris Bookseller by Kerri Mahler (c. 2022)


Paris by the Book by Liam Callanan (c. 2018)


The Last Dress from Paris by Jade Beer (c. 2022)


The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff (c. 2019)


The Paris Wife by Paula McLain (c. 2011)


The Paris Assignment by Rhys Bowen (c. 2023)


The Paris Apartment by Kelly Bowen (c. 2021)


Sophie & Stephie: The Travel Sisters: Hello France! by Ekaterina Otiko (c. 2024)


Penny's Paris Tour by Bailey Clark (c. 2024)


The Girl with the Magic Ponytails: French Tales by Karen J. Young (c. 2024)


Two Mice at the Eiffel Tower by Donna McIndoe Dalton and illustrated by David Pfendler (c. 2019)

What's YOUR favorite book about the amazing city of Paris? Chime in and share. Merci beaucoup - and enjoy the upcoming Olympics!

SHARE THIS: Paris is always a good idea. ~ Audrey Hepburn #DebbieLaskeysBlog

SHARE THIS: What you don't know about Paris, is that when you live there, over time, an invisible thread forms around your heart, and so when you leave, it always tugs you back ~Robert Black, Novelist #DebbieLaskeysBlog

Image Credits: AP News and A Thing Created via Etsy.

Did you know that Paris has the most museums of any city in the world?

Five #PersonalBranding Lessons from Kamala Harris

By now, everyone has heard the surprising news from President Joe Biden, that he has agreed with his advisors and members of his Democratic party and has withdrawn from the 2024 Presidential race and endorsed his Vice President, Kamala Harris. By doing so, he has cemented his legacy of a half-century as a statesman and patriot – and is passing the baton to a younger generation of leaders.

Although Harris has not been in the limelight as much as we’d hoped back on Inauguration Day in January 2021, her time to shine has arrived, and as a result, we can learn five personal branding lessons from her as she begins the next chapter of her political career.


From the day that President Biden chose Harris as his running mate, she has been his political partner. She has explained, “It has been the honor of a lifetime to serve alongside our Commander-in-Chief, my friend, President Joe Biden – one of the finest public servants we will ever know…And I am eager to run on the record of what Joe and I have accomplished together.”


Once Biden made his announcement, Harris said, “I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination.” She chose her words wisely, showed her appreciation for Biden’s support and spoke directly to members of the Democratic Party to demonstrate her desire for the party to nominate her at the upcoming convention in August.


According to The19th, “Harris has already become the administration’s leading voice on the importance of abortion rights, one of the Democratic Party’s top issues, at the federal and state level. She has spent the last year using rallies and interviews to make a clear-eyed case to voters on how a second Donald Trump presidency and Republican majorities in Congress could restrict abortion access.”


Harris is a stepmother to her husband’s two adult children and has often explained that they refer to her as “Mom-ala” to rhyme with her name “Kamala.”


Harris has often shared this quote. “My mother had a saying, ‘Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you’re not the last.’” She has never shied away from her challenges as the first female Vice President, and as a result, has earned her place in history (or should we say, HERSTORY).

And finally, let’s not forget what Hillary Clinton said during her concession speech in November 2016, “I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday, someone will.”

What personal branding lessons have you learned from Kamala Harris? Chime in and share.

SHARE THIS: I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday, someone will. ~Hillary Clinton #KamalaHarrisforPresident #DebbieLaskeysBlog

Image Credit: Amazon.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Marketing News of the Month: Sharks, Personal Branding, and More

During the month of July, there were many news stories that reflected brand promotion, personal branding, co-branding, logo redesign, pricing, product launches, product positioning, rebranding, and more.


According to Yahoo Entertainment, "With summer in full swing, it's time to curl up in the safety of your air conditioner and tune into Discovery Channel's 36th Annual Shark Week from July 7th to 13th for your daily dose of apex-predator action, ranging from horror stories to fascinating adventure tales." Shark Week featured 21 hours of new shark-focused shows, and after previously employing Dwayne Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, Jason Momoa, and Eli Roth as hosts, this year's Shark Week was hosted by wrestler John Cena.

While it's hard to believe that this was the 36th annual Shark Week, from a marketing perspective, there were two appropriate partners. They included Beneath the Waves, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting ocean health and protecting threatened species (such as, sharks); and Oceana, the world's largest advocacy organization dedicated solely to ocean conservation. However, an odd partnership was Major League Baseball, where fans saw Shark Week signage, trivia, and co-branded merchandise in ballparks.


Chicago Sky WNBA rookie Angel Reese has a history of wearing custom sneakers. Earlier this year, she collaborated with Reebok for custom pink and white sneakers featuring "Angel" written on the tongue and "Unapologetically Angel" written on the insole. Then, she unveiled her Joker-themed sneakers inspired by the infamous Batman villain, The Joker. Those shoes were purple and green, which referenced The Joker's attire. She also unveiled Barbie-themed pink sneakers with the name "Barbie" written on the front, a Barbie logo, and black dots.

And most recently, according to ClutchPoints, "Chicago Sky rookie Angel Reese has gone viral with her new custom 'Reese's Pieces' shoes, designed by Marvin Baroota, who is known for his unique shoe designs. This design, inspired by Reese's Pieces candy, features the candy's orange and yellow color scheme. Baroota's creation includes several personal elements for Reese. The shoes have an "A" logo in the Reese's Pieces font with a peanut butter cup in the background. One shoe has "Reese Angel" written on the front, while the other features an image of a buttercup with a bite taken out of it."


Due to the purchase of Cedar Fair by Six Flags Entertainment Corporation for $8 billion, Six Flags will now control seven of the top 20 most-visited theme parks in North America, more than any other single company. The new company will retain the Six Flags' name and Cedar Fair's stock symbol (FUN) on the New York Stock Exchange. Former Cedar Fair leaders will continue as CEO, CFO, and COO. Six Flags' current CEO will become the Executive Chairman of the new company, and the "new" Six Flags will be headquartered in Cedar Fair's home in Charlotte, North Carolina.

From a marketing perspective, will any of the former Cedar Fair parks adopt Six Flags branding? Will the company offer new annual and season pass products that allow fans to visit multiple parks across the now-combined company? Will any of the existing parks be shuttered? Without a doubt, operating 17 amusement parks and 15 water parks across 17 states representing different brands will be a challenging task.


According to CNN, "For the first time ever, Tesla cars have been placed on a Chinese government purchase list. Tesla is the only foreign-owned EV car brand on the purchase catalog published by the government. That means that government agencies can procure them as service cars, highlighting the cozy relationship China has with Elon Musk's company. Tesla, which has a massive gigafactory in Shanghai, manufactured some 947,000 cars in China in 2023, and most of them were used locally. China has become an increasingly important market for Tesla, as the country accounts for more than half of the world's total EV sales. Last year, Tesla derived nearly a quarter of its total revenue from China." 

In Tesla news in the United States, according to Reuters, "The company recalled 11,688 Cybertrucks from the 2024 model year because the front windshield wiper motor controller failed due to excessive electrical current. Non-functioning wipers could increase the risk of a crash in wet weather. The wiper recall covered all trucks built through June 6...[And let's not forget that] Tesla recalled nearly 4,000 Cybertrucks in April 2024 to fix an accelerator pedal pad that could come loose and get lodged in the interior trim."


According to a NASCAR press release, "NASCAR and ABB, a global leader in electrification and automation, announced the ABB NASCAR Electrification Innovation Partnership on July 6th and revealed a new EV prototype at the Chicago Street Race. ABB becomes the first Official Partner of NASCAR Impact, the sanctioning body's platform driving NASCAR's mission to strengthen its communities and contribute to a healthier planet, and together will work to advance NASCAR's strategic sustainability ambitions across electrification...While NASCAR is committed to the historic role of the combustion engine in racing, it is also committed to decarbonizing its operations and reducing its own carbon footprint to zero across its core operations by 2035 through electrification and innovative solutions...The prototype was developed in collaboration with NASCAR's OEM partners — Chevrolet, Ford, and Toyota — and was built by NASCAR engineers."


HBC, the parent company of Saks Fifth Avenue, announced its purchase of the Neiman Marcus Group, which owns Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman. The deal is valued at $2.65 billion. When the transaction is complete, Toronto-based HBC will form Saks Global, which will include Saks Fifth Avenue, Saks Off 5th, Neiman Marcus, and Bergdorf Goodman - and all stores will continue to operate under their respective brands. Current CEO Marc Metrick will become CEO of Saks Global. Amazon and Salesforce will be investors.

Richard Baker, HBC executive chairman and CEO, will also serve as executive chairman of Saks Global. He said, "This is an exciting time in luxury retail, with technological advancements creating new opportunities to redefine the customer experience, and we look forward to unlocking significant value for our customers, brand partners, and employees."

According to Chainstoreage, "The deal is subject to approval by the Federal Trade Commission. The combined company would have only two competitors in the high-end U.S. department store market: Bloomingdale's, which is owned by Macy's Inc., and Nordstrom."


According to Fast Company, "Verizon announced a new logo and updated brand system. Gone is the Verizon electricity-inspired checkmark, which has been with the brand in some permutation for more than 20 years. In its place is a more flexible and adaptive letter V. Nine years after its last rebrand, Verizon is still the largest wireless provider in the U.S., but it’s struggling with subscriber growth. And so, Verizon is repositioning its brand farther from what it's been known for (wireless infrastructure) and closer to the halo of media (from video games, to streaming platforms, to NFL games) that all of its partnerships, and perhaps, most notably, its lucrative premium-tier subscriptions, provide to its customers...The new red wordmark features a glowing ribbon "V" that is strikingly similar to Netflix's signature N...Verizon will turn the V into signage for stores and other installations. They also imagine the V in physical spaces, shaping an entryway as the brand, and as abstract designs on newly designed employee uniforms, a collection of casual, mix-and-match tees, totes, and cross-body bags."


For the first time since 2017, the membership store announced that it will raise membership fees by $5 for US and Canadian customers. This means that $60 will increase to $65 per year, and the high-tier plan called Executive Membership will increase from $120 to $130 a year. According to ABC News, this increase will affect 52 million memberships.


Ramen is not the first food that one thinks about when thinking of dessert. However, Cup Noodles launched a new limited-edition s'mores-flavored instant ramen. Ready to eat via microwave, the product comes with a sauce-based flavor blend of chocolate, marshmallow, and graham crackers.

According to Nissin Foods USA Senior VP of Marketing Priscilla Stanton, the limited-edition offerings of Cup Noodles are an effort to expand beyond a "pantry staple." The line-up of flavors includes Pumpkin Spice, Everything Bagel, and Breakfast (which is a mixture of the classic breakfast combination of maple syrup pancakes, sausage, and eggs).


Asics is an acronym for the Latin phrase 'anima sana in corpore sano,' which translates to 'sound mind, sound body.' Living up to its name, the sportswear brand has spent the past four years doubling down on mental health marketing to differentiate itself.


According to CNN, despite the fact that Judy Garland never recorded an audiobook of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," we will soon hear her rendition of the children's novel that inspired the classic movie that made her a movie star. This will happen because AI company ElevenLabs announced that it is bringing digitally-produced celebrity voice-overs of deceased actors to its newly-launched Reader app. So far, the voices that will be available include Judy Garland, James Dean, and Burt Reynolds.


According to the Associated Press, "Italian immigrant Caesar Cardini is said to have invented the the caesar salad on July 4, 1924, at his restaurant, Caesar's Place, in Tijuana, Mexico. It was a steamy night, and Cardini was struggling to feed an influx of Californians who had crossed the border to escape Prohibition. In the middle of the dining room, Cardini tossed whole Romaine leaves with ingredients he had on hand, including garlic-flavored oil, Worcestershire sauce, lemons, eggs and Parmesan cheese. A star was born...Around 35 percent of U.S. restaurants have Caesar salad on their menus, according to Technomic, a restaurant consulting firm; and nearly 43 million bottles of Caesar salad dressing (or $150 million worth) have been sold in the U.S. over the past year, according to Nielsen IQ."


According to Retail Dive, "Arts and crafts retailer Joann is launching a new brand campaign. The company said that its "Jo-And" rebranding will leverage influencer relationships, social media, and commercial spots to highlight the joy in the experience of connecting with others through hands-on creativity. Chief Customer Officer Chris DiTullio explained that Joann's is focusing on introducing Gen Z and others to the brand as a one-stop source for all of the tools and inspiration for crafting, sewing, and personalization."


According to Retail Dive, "Kohl's joined other retailers in holding summertime sales to answer Amazon's Prime Day. The department store's "Summer Cyber Deals," July 8 through July 11 in stores and online, offered up to 60 percent off across the entire assortment. Loyalty members earned double rewards and got free shipping on all online purchases throughout the event. Then, July 16 through July 17 (the specific dates of Prime Day), shoppers used a coupon for 25 percent off a qualifying purchase, or 30 percent off by using a store credit card."


According to Jake Coyle in the Associated Press, "After a historically bad first half of the year, the box office is suddenly booming. "Despicable Me 4," the Illumination Animation sequel, led the way over the July Fourth holiday weekend with $75 million in ticket sales Friday through Sunday and $122.6 million since opening on Wednesday, according to studio estimates Sunday, July 7th...The Independence Day holiday weekend haul for the Universal Pictures release further extends the considerable box-office reign of the Minions, arguably the most bankable force in movies today. And it also kept a summer streak going for Hollywood..."Inside Out 2," with $1.22 billion in ticket sales thus far, is easily the year's biggest hit and fast climbing up the all-time ranks for animated releases. It currently ranks as the No. 5 animated release worldwide."


According to the Associated Press, "Most medical students at Johns Hopkins University will no longer pay tuition thanks to a $1 billion gift from Bloomberg Philanthropies. Starting in the fall, the donation will cover full tuition for medical students from families earning less than $300,000. Living expenses and fees will be covered for students from families who earn up to $175,000. Bloomberg Philanthropies said that, currently, almost two-thirds of all students seeking a doctor of medicine degree from Johns Hopkins qualify for financial aid, and 45% of the current class will also receive living expenses. The school estimates that graduates' average total loans will decrease from $104,000 to $60,279 by 2029.


Paramount, the media empire behind CBS, MTV, and one of Hollywood's "most storied studios" that has been around for 112 years, has agreed to merge with Skydance Media. Lots of questions. Will assets be sold before the deal closes in 2025? What will happen to Paramount+? How will the company be run until the deal closes in 2025, and what will the new management team look like?


You may know that July 13th used to be National French Fry Day, but in 2022, fast-food chains Checkers and Rally's organized an online petition to change the day so that it would forever take place on the second Friday of July, making it happen on FRY-DAY! According to YouGov's regularly-updated list of "The Most Popular American Dishes," French fries earn an 84 percent popularity rating (hamburgers score an 85 percent rating). Many fast-food chains offer deals on this annual holiday, and here are just a couple: McDonald's offers free fries on July 12th and 13th and Burger King offers free fries on July 12th.


Alec Baldwin, lead actor and co-producer of the movie "Rust," received news that his latest legal case was dismissed by a New Mexico judge in the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. According to the judge, the case was dismissed based on misconduct by police and prosecutors over the withholding of evidence. The case cannot be retried. Will the movie resume shooting? How will this dismissal affect Baldwin's career?


If you ever watched the original "Beverly Hills, 90210" TV show during the 1990's, then you knew Brenda Walsh. Sometimes, it was hard to tell the difference between Brenda and Shannen, who portrayed her for four seasons. While the actress developed a reputation in the industry, whether real or not, she left that series and another later in her career amid allegations of conflicts with co-stars. In the limelight again in her later years due to her cancer diagnosis, Doherty advocated for cancer awareness. She died on July 13th at the age of 53. Fans of "90210" will understand when I say that Brenda and Dillon have reunited at the Peach Pit in Heaven.


Postage in the United States is rising again, this time a first class stamp will cost 73 cents. What will the increase pay for that is not currently included with a first class stamp? Will someone write a letter for you and walk it to a friend's house? Will stamps be printed with a little bit of gold? How many of us continue to send items via snail mail? When will the cost outweigh usage?


The media was quick to label what happened on July 13th in Pennsylvania as an "assassination attempt" on FPOTUS, also known as the former President of the United States. A gripping photo will go down in history with Trump's fist in the air with blood clearly visible on his ear and face. Time will tell as to how this event will impact Trump's personal brand and also the November Presidential election.


A recent controversy erupted following two flight attendants who wore pins on their uniforms depicting the Palestinian flag, which made some Jewish passengers feel unsafe amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. Delta said that pins representing countries and nationalities of the world had previously been permitted, but no longer. Beginning on July 22nd, Delta will only allow staff members to wear U.S. flag pins on their uniforms.


After 34 years, the iconic Mirage Hotel and Casino has closed its doors. Its sidewalk attraction, the exploding volcano, became a trendsetter that was followed by the Bellagio with its dancing fountains and the Venetian with its gondolas and canals. The Mirage was also home to Siegfried and Roy's white tigers show and the Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat tours. Following the Mirage's closure, the 3,000-room resort will undergo a three-year renovation and re-open in 2027 as the Hard Rock Las Vegas with a soaring 700-foot-tall hotel tower in the shape of a guitar. The volcano will be destroyed to make space for new rooms.


Whenever comedians are mentioned, one name has stood the test of time. Bob Newhart died at the age of 94 on July 18th. Since my Dad was a CPA, Bob was a favorite in my house due to his previous occupation as an accountant. Perhaps, my Dad had dreams of being a comedian, or perhaps, he simply appreciated Bob's dry wit as a stand-up comedian. Whatever the case, "The Bob Newhart Show" and later "Newhart" were must-watch television in my house. And then, the way that the final episode of "Newhart" harkened back to the original series! Sheer genius! If you haven't seen it, check it out! According to the CPA Journal, "Newhart leaves blanks and pauses in his one-person phone routines to try to get his audience actively involved. This style could only come from an accountant." He was inducted into the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame in 1993, and in 1996, TV Guide ranked him number 17 of the 50 greatest TV stars of all time.


According to Marketing Week, "Brand building is the most important factor in achieving company objectives, despite a preoccupation with performance metrics within business, according to Marketing Week's exclusive 2024 Language of Effectiveness research, supported by Kantar. While a third (33 percent) of the more than 1,200 marketers surveyed say brand advertising is the most important tactic for driving business objectives in 2024, nearly half of the sample (49.8 percent) also claim their campaigns are currently too focused on performance marketing. Beyond brand, a quarter of marketers say performance advertising (25.6 percent), brand partnerships (25.5 percent) and product or service innovation (25.1 percent) will be the most important tactics for delivering on business objectives in 2024."


On Sunday, July 21st, history was made (or shall we say, HERSTORY?) as President Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 Presidential race. While the dust is still settling, this decision will have an impact on American politics as well as international politics. In addition, this decision affects Vice President Kamala Harris' future and her personal brand. More to come about this turn of events in a future post.


And how can I share marketing updates without mentioning the elephant in the room, or in other words, the main sporting event of the year? Beginning on Friday, July 26th, the world's attention will be on Paris, France, for the 33rd Olympiad, which will impact marketing and leadership in a myriad of exciting ways. Have you purchased some Olympics merch? Will you be wearing a t-shirt or cap to support your country's team? Tune into my blog tomorrow as my #OlympicsLeadershipSeries begins, and then, swing by my blog each day throughout the competition. In addition, there will continue to be Olympic-related posts on August 12th, 13th, and 14th.

What other recent marketing buzz caught your attention? There's always something happening that impacts marketing, so tune in to #DebbieLaskeysBlog for the scoop!

Image Credits: Shark Week/Discovery and Despicable Me 4/Universal Pictures.

Read about all the 2024 Shark Week partners:

Watch the trailer for "Despicable Me 4" at this link:

Check out partners of the "Despicable Me 4" film:

Watch "Newhart" finale:

Monday, July 22, 2024


How would you describe your workplace culture? Do all the employees get together after work and talk shop at a local bar or restaurant? Or is it stifling, hard to breathe - and you can only breathe at 5pm when you leave the office? Do all the employees know the brand promise - and is everyone a happy brand ambassador?

These are all important questions to ask when creating and maintaining a positive corporate culture and why so many employers have high turnover and lose talented employees. Here's an easy solution for all leaders: Add an important book to your must-read list: Jumpstart Your Workplace Culture by Eric D. Stone.

Eric explains, "Every company should be built around founding values, and those values must be the heart and soul of your culture." And, "If your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room, culture equals the behaviors that happen when leaders aren't around to enforce the organization's behavioral code."

How often do you check in with your employees? Do you have one-on-one meetings with all employees? Eric proposes that you regularly meet with employees and ask a myriad of questions. These were my favorites from Eric's book:

(1) What's your employee experience been like so far?

(2) Do you know and understand the company values?

(3) What management style do you find most motivating?

(4) What's an opportunity the team might be overlooking right now?

(5) Do you feel challenged and encouraged to grow?

(6) Where could you use more coaching and training?

(7) Who's been your biggest influence here?

(8) Is there anything you think the senior leaders don't understand?

According to Eric, a strong culture "keeps your people engaged and wanting to stay with your company, focused on doing great work and meeting higher and higher expectations, all while staying in alignment with the company values and mission. A positive culture keeps revenues, profits, and market share growing. It's an energy source, and it's contagious...It feels great to come to work, and you and your team feel like a finely-tuned machine."

But a weak culture "is just as obvious, and the symptoms are everywhere. Employees are confused, angry, or apathetic. Expectations are unclear, training and development are lacking, follow-through and accountability are nonexistent...Instead of being united by a single clear 'this is who we are and what we stand for' idea, they're fragmented. It's every employee for themself."

Perhaps, it's time for your organization to re-think your culture. As Eric writes at the end, "Yes, you can check under the hood and quantitatively measure the health of your culture...You can repair your culture with some surprisingly simple initiatives." Remember, "a strong culture is obvious to onlookers," and will attract awesome employees and repeat customers!

SHARE THIS: Every company should be built around founding values, and those values must be the heart and soul of your culture. ~Eric D. Stone #CorporateCulture #DebbieLaskeysBlog

SHARE THIS: Leadership, at its core, is about making other people better as a result of your presence - and making sure the impact lasts in your absence. ~@FrancesFrei #CorporateCulture #DebbieLaskeysBlog

Connect with Eric at these links:





Image Credit: Amazon.