Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Distraction Can Be an Opportunity in the World of E-Commerce

This post is live today to celebrate Amazon Prime Day, Amazon's deal event exclusively for Prime members, featuring personalized deals and top brands. The event was created on July 15, 2015, to celebrate Prime members on Amazon's 20th birthday. According to Amazon, “An Amazon Prime membership includes various perks, including free delivery options and streaming, shopping, and reading benefits.”

Does your brand know how to engage with customers and prospects through your digital presence? I’m, not referring to social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and now Threads. I’m referring to the platform YOU own and operate, your website. And if you sell products or services, how often does someone attempt to make a purchase and then stop? Do you have a way to monitor your site traffic and follow up with the customer or prospect?

Recently, I received an email promotion (NOT from Amazon) with several products as well as a notice about an upcoming sale. After reading the email, I visited the website to check out the new products as well as some sale items. But upon further thought, I decided NOT to make a purchase.

Within a few short minutes of leaving the website, I received an email including the image that accompanies this post, with the message, “Whoops, did you get distracted? Please come back and have another look.” A button was also included with a link that read, “CONTINUE SHOPPING.”

Was this a smart strategy? Did it show how much the brand valued me as a customer?

Or was this a bad strategy? Would it annoy me since I chose to not purchase anything?

The brand’s marketing team definitely wanted me to keep the brand front and center in my mind so that if or when I decided to make those specific purchases that I had looked at, it would be my go-to brand.

Does your brand view distraction as an opportunity? If not, perhaps, you should.

Image Credit: Natural Life.

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