Friday, July 1, 2022

Lead, Inspire, and Continue to Evolve


To quote Matthew Kobach (@mkobach), "Twitter is a key that unlocks thousands of doors, some of which you never even knew existed." As a member of the Twitterverse for almost 13 years, I always enjoy meeting new people and learning from them. I recently connected with Nathalie Gregg on Twitter and participated in one of her inspiring TweetChats. She interviewed me about leadership and the employee experience - what an honor! To return the favor, I have invited Nathalie to appear here on my blog in a Q&A. Highlights of our conversation follow a brief introduction.

Based in South Carolina, Nathalie Gregg is a Change Agent, Enterprise Leadership Strategist, Adjunct Professor, and Speaker. She empowers women to become their own economic engines. Online, she is a digital superstar and is the founder of the #LeadLoudly movement and Twitter Chat, where she inspires women to be bold, confident, and fearless to drive real results.

QUESTION: What attracts you to the discipline of leadership?
NATHALIE GREGG: I am attracted to the discipline of leadership because it begins with the drive to lead yourself before you lead others. It is about envisioning what could be and continuing to ask what if.

TWEET THIS: Leadership begins with the drive to lead yourself before you lead others. ~@NathalieGregg #LeadershipTip #DebbieLaskeysBlog

QUESTION: What advice would you give to new leaders?
NATHALIE GREGG: Here are three:
(1) You must have a vision. You must know were you are going.
(2) You must have courage. You must be committed to do the hard things well.
(3) You must have a community. You must bring a team! You can’t do it alone!

QUESTION: You host a weekly TweetChat on Twitter using the hashtag #LeadLoudly. What are a few take-aways you hope participants have at the end of each week's chat?
NATHALIE GREGG: The #LeadLoudly Twitter Chat is a mini masterclass to accelerate growth and community. My community has the opportunity to learn and leverage cutting-edge information and resources to growth their businesses as well as their brands. Our international guests serve as mentors, sponsors, and allies to build robust collaborations and strategic partnerships.

QUESTION: You are a passionate advocate for women leaders. Who are some women leaders (from history or business) that provide inspiration to you?
NATHALIE GREGG: I am always inspired by women who decide to #LeadLoudly! They have decided to be bold, confident, and fearless. They are visionaries and innovators who drive change - realizing that no is NOT an option. The only option is to move forward.

That said, my inspiration comes from Margaret Thatcher, Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, Ruth Handler (Barbie creator), and Frances Hesselbein (former Girl Scouts CEO).

QUESTION: One of my favorite leadership quotes is from author and consultant Mark Herbert (@NewParadigmer on Twitter): "Leadership doesn't require you to be the smartest person in the room. It requires you to block and tackle for others." What does this quote mean to you?
NATHALIE GREGG: An inspirational leader must have knowledge of personal mastery while possessing these four critical skills: visioning, influencing, implementing, and executing. Leadership is a continual process of inspiration and transformation from the inside out!

TWEET THIS: Leadership is a continual process of inspiration and transformation from the inside out! ~@NathalieGregg #LeadershipTip #DebbieLaskeysBlog

My thanks to Nathalie for sharing her leadership insights and for appearing here on my Blog.

Image Credit: Pawel Czerwinski via Unsplash.

If you missed the #LeadLoudly chat hosted by @NathalieGregg featuring Debbie Laskey on January 27, 2022, here's the link for all the Tweets:

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