When Twitter was just a babe in the social media woods, one of its frequent happenings was something called “Follow Friday.” When a hashtag symbol (#) was added to those words or the abbreviated version, FF, Twitter users would recommend others to follow. In the beginning, this was probably more of a way to get more followers, but it became a way to share experts and others who provided great content. But has #FollowFriday outlived its purpose?
As one who has always appreciated recommended people to follow on Twitter, I continue to #FollowFriday on Fridays and share recommendations as well as follow new tweeps (Twitter people) in the Twitterverse. Here are some of my favorites – and don’t forget to add the #FF at the beginning of the lines if you share as a tweet on Twitter – and also make sure that your tweets are only 140 characters in length:
#leadership @JohnBaldoni @MikeMyatt @ScottEblin @WallyBock @LeadershipNow @LeadershipFreak @LeadrshpAdvisor @CarmineGallo @KevinEikenberry @managemntmoment @strategicsense
#leadership #quotes @LeadToday @FocusLeadership @EntreLeadeship @LeadershipTips @Leadership501 @ptarkkonen @coachingleaders @LeaderQuote
#socialmedia #marketing @socialmediatoday @smexaminer @ThisIsSethsBlog @SusanGunelius @PamMktgNut @smmguide @heidicohen @heidithorne @connectyou
#SocialMedia (#socialMM) @ideagirlmedia @YSMMogul @SmartBoyDesigns @JessKupferman @gotweetsgo @jkcallas @TheIndigoGirl @jess_dewell @PhilGerb @AbsoluteAlicia @TheResumeSmith @newraycom @MoreInMedia @snouraini @gingerconsult @richmac @KlaudiaJurewicz @AnneMarieCoach @JocelynWilhelm @LaurindaShaver @DaveRGallant @MattGron @Yogizilla
#sales @iannarino @Mike_Kunkle @TomHopkinsSales @SalesDuJour @eWeb2Sales @B2BSalesExpert @salespowertips @makingthenumber
#advertising #PR @adage @WiedenKennedy @ConnellyAgency @TBWA @GolinHarris @EdelmanPR @PRNewser @InterpublicIPG @Ketchum
#HR @ronald_thomas @HRBartender @CyndyTrivella @Hire_Friday @BrazenCareerist @MeghanMBiro @KevinWGrossman @ReEngageBook
#custexp @marilynsuttle @Hyken @KnowledgeBishop @ValaAfshar @DisneyInstitute @ImpactLearning @KateNasser @rbacal @Michael_Lytle @sernovitz
#tech #infosecurity @Tips4Tech @PrivacyProf @RobertSiciliano @ShaunDakin @InfosecIsland @JohnSileo @FortaliceLLC @EUdiscovery
#online #safety @CyberSafety808 @suescheff @marykayhoal @LindaCriddle @DigitalWorld101 @ShapingYouth @OneDotNancy
#beinspired @persdevquotes @motivatquotes @GreatestQuotes @WomenofHistory @Quotes4UrSoul @Lyrics4YourSoul @JohnCMaxwell
Who are your favorites to #FollowFriday? Chime in and share.
I am a firm believer in #followfriday, however for me personally, the format shown above in your blog seems "spammish" and impersonal. I would never follow anyone based upon a string of names. I would, however follow someone based upon a post dedicated to a single person and a reason for following that person.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments, Knikkolette. Many folks appreciate being listed with other experts, and this is one reason to include a key word or specialty as part of the #FF tweet. However, I also agree that providing individual tweets with specific details is a useful practice on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteI like to see both types of #followfriday - individual recommendations and those shared by category/topic. I always go through each profile in the list to see which are of interest to me. They can appear spammy if done over and over but on the whole I find them useful!