Monday, January 27, 2025

"Top 10" New Year's Resolutions for Leaders for 2025

Last January, after I read an inspiring post by the esteemed leadership expert Eric Jacobson entitled, "70 New Year's Resolutions for Leaders," I chose ten from those 70 and featured them in a post.

Since Eric's list included 70 resolutions, and New Year's resolutions are on many people's minds this month, I thought I would revisit Eric's post and choose my "Top 10" for 2025.

With much gratitude to Eric for his comprehensive list and inspiration for this post, here are my "Top 10" New Year's Resolutions for Leaders for 2025:

[1] View every problem as an opportunity to grow.

[2] Praise when compliments are earned.

[3] Assess your company's strengths and weaknesses at all times.

[4] Listen carefully and don't multi-task while listening.

[5] Teach something new to your team.

[6] Explain how a change will impact employees' feelings before, during, and after a change is implemented.

[7] Give feedback promptly and make it individualized and specific.

[8] Promote excellent customer service both internally and externally.

[9] Be willing to change your decisions.

[10] End every meeting with a follow-up To-do list.

And because I've been a passionate reader my entire life, I will repeat (and always include) this annual resolution: "Read leadership books to continue your leadership journey." Don't forget to read works of fiction because they ALSO contain important leadership lessons.

Lastly, here's one of Eric's favorite quotes from a previous appearance on my blog: 

SHARE THIS: Leaders are measured by the caliber of leaders they develop, not the caliber of their own leadership. ~John C. Maxell via @EricJacobsonKC #DebbieLaskeysBlog

What are your New Year's resolutions to improve your leadership skills during 2025? Chime in and share.

Image Credit: VistaCreate.

Here's the link to Eric's original post - print it and tape it to a wall!

Here's the link to my post from last year:

"Top 10" New Year's Resolutions for Leaders (January 2024)

Connect with Eric at these links:



Check out Eric's previous appearances here on my blog:

HOLIDAY LEADERSHIP SERIES – Featuring Eric Jacobson (November 2024)

OLYMPICS LEADERSHIP SERIES – Featuring Eric Jacobson (July 2024)

FALL BACK TO READING SERIES – Featuring Eric Jacobson (September 2023)

Let's Celebrate #NationalLeadershipDay! (February 2023)

How Leadership Crafts the #EmployeeExperience (May 2018)

Leadership Doesn't Have to Be Hard (March 2016)

The Importance of Mentorships (March 2013)

The Importance of Training, Customer Connections & Leadership (March 2011)

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