Friday, January 5, 2024

"Top 10" New Year's Resolutions for Leaders

During December, I read an inspiring post entitled, "70 New Year's Resolutions for Leaders" by my friend and leadership expert (and advocate) Eric Jacobson. I wondered how many leaders make a list of leadership resolutions every January. Upon further reflection, I wondered if leaders make such a list, do they actually follow the resolutions?

There is no doubt that if a leader adhered to all of Eric's 70 resolutions, he/she/they would become an exceptional leader. But the reality is, that would be nearly impossible to find such a leader. I think sticking to ten resolutions might be hard, but much more likely. So I decided to pull out my favorite ten resolutions. 

With big applause to Eric, here are my "Top 10" New Year's Resolutions for Leaders:

1. Don't micromanage.
2. Don't be a bottleneck.
3. Focus on outcomes, not minutiae.
4. Celebrate your employees' successes, not your own.
5. Communicate clearly and often.
6. Admit your mistakes.
7. Encourage individualism and welcome input.
8. Encourage personal growth and promote training, mentoring, and external education.
9. Volunteer within your community and allow/support your employees to volunteer also.
10. Read leadership books to continue your leadership journey.

Again, much gratitude to Eric for creating his list and for inspiring me to pick ten. 

The goal of this post was to inspire you to create your own list of New Year's Leadership Resolutions with the hope that you stick to it during 2024.

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Here's the link to Eric's original post - I highly recommend you hang it in a prominent place so that you can refer to it on a regular basis:

Connect with Eric at these links:

Check out Eric’s previous appearances here on my blog:

[1] FALL BACK TO READING SERIES – Featuring Eric Jacobson
September 25, 2023

[2] Let's Celebrate #NationalLeadershipDay!
February 20, 2023

[3] How Leadership Crafts the #EmployeeExperience
May 1, 2018

[4] Leadership Doesn't Have to Be Hard
May 3, 2016

[5] The Importance of Mentorships
March 11, 2013

[6] The Importance of Training, Customer Connections, and Leadership
March 21, 2011

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