Monday, October 30, 2023

FALL BACK TO READING SERIES – Featuring David Beaumont

This year, as the seasons change and we enjoy fall, I’ve launched my FALL BACK TO READING SERIES. The series will feature two dozen leadership and marketing experts, who will share their inspiration in both fiction and nonfiction, and hopefully, provide the impetus to read more. To quote New York Times Bestselling author Kristin Harmel, “If you give a person a book, you give him the world.” For today’s post, I’d like to introduce David Beaumont.

Known for delivering outstanding customer support to clients, David Beaumont is a knowledge seeker and results driven visionary who builds relationships with clients and peers by aiding the end-user through training and development tasks. David is a qualified support professional, HDI Certified, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Finance from The Ohio State University. He has more than 15 years of experience in customer service, equality/diversity/inclusion (EDI), and client support.

QUESTION: Which three business books have made the biggest impact on your career?
DAVID BEAUMONT: Here are my three:
(1) GRIT by Angela Duckworth
(2) Mindset by Carol Dweck
(3) Everybody Matters by Bob Chapman

These books have provided insight on helping me to learn from my fails, to take more risks and to understand that if a task does not work out, that there is always a learning opportunity to be gained. The books have inspired me to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, because this is where growth is obtained. The mindset I carry with me is: "I have not accomplished it yet!" Also, that comfort and growth cannot exist in the same space. With all that, these books have reinforced my belief that kindness, compassion, and civility are what will keep people inspired and engaged with the work they do.

QUESTION: Who is your favorite author, and why?
DAVID BEAUMONT: I have to say Stephen King.

I enjoy reading Stephen King's books because his writing keeps you on the edge of your seat. He makes you feel like what you are reading is so real. There are some books I have read where I had to close the book and take a break, because the thrill was getting so intense. Reading his books allows me to break away from the daily grind and enjoy a thrill. The one caveat though, some books by Steven King (some I have read, and some I have not): I would not see them if they were made into a movie. LOL!

QUESTION: Do you intersperse fiction with your business reading? If yes, what was the last work of fiction that you read, and what caught your attention about it?
DAVID BEAUMONT: Fairy Tale by Stephen King. Well, I like how he writes, and when I saw the book cover, I wanted to read it. (I know, you can’t judge a book by the cover.) Well, I have an Audible subscription, and that book was one that I listened to.

It was enjoyable, one where when I would be out cutting the grass, I would stop at certain points just so that I could focus on the story - because I felt something shocking was going to happen next. Fairy Tale is one that I would go see at the movies, if the book were made into one.

QUESTION: If you created a nonprofit organization to promote reading to children and young adults, what would you name it, and why?
DAVID BEAUMONT: A View into Possibilities.

This would be an organization to encourage reading for stimulating the mind. We would show all the benefits of reading where a positive impact could be obtained. By reading regularly, you can become proficient in different subject matters and hold intelligent conversations with others. Reading can also be inspirational for the young minds, allowing them to venture out and do something they may have never thought they could have done before. Reading about something great, inspirational, and encouraging could allow that young person to say, "Why not me?" or "It’s possible for me to do a great thing."

SHARE THIS: By reading regularly, you can become proficient in different subject matters. ~@dbeaumont266 #Reading #DebbieLaskeysBlog

My gratitude to David for participating in this year’s fall back to reading series and for sharing his inspiring recommendations!

Image Credit: Debbie Laskey.

Check out David’s links:
Twitter/X: @dbeaumont266

Check out David's previous appearance here on my blog:
Are You a Customer Advocate?  (September 2022)

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