When you gather customer information or customer feedback, do you request customer birth dates? If your answer is yes, what do you do with that information? The data is highly confidential, and your organization should protect it at all costs, but since you have the data, do you celebrate customer birthdays?
Each year on my birthday, I always smile when I log into Twitter and see those familiar balloons greeting me. Each year, that greeting adds a festive start to my day.
With that in mind, how do other brands wish me a happy birthday? Like many of us who receive too many emails in our email box, I receive several with a “happy birthday” message and a ten or twenty percent discount to be applied toward a future purchase. One brand sends me a coupon for a free ice cream cone, and another sends me a coupon for free pancakes. On occasion, I receive coupons or cards via snail mail too.
Does your brand send personalized emails to customers wishing them a happy birthday? Does your brand send postcards or letters wishing customers a happy birthday via snail mail? Does your brand create a personalized web page wishing customers a happy birthday with a link from an email? Does your brand partner with an ice cream or cookie brand or a restaurant or digital storefront in order to send a coupon to customers for their birthday gift?
In this era of data breaches, I suppose the best gift – and most appropriate gift – would be for a year’s subscription to an identity monitoring service to protect my most important and confidential information. Don’t you agree?
Image Credit: Twitter.
Welcome to Debbie Laskey's insights and commentary about BRANDING, MARKETING, LEADERSHIP, SOCIAL MEDIA, EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT, and CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES. Debbie has worked in high-tech, the Consumer Marketing Department at Disneyland Paris in France, nonprofits, and insurance. Expertise includes strategic planning, brand development, marketing plans and audits, competitive positioning, websites, communications, public relations, employee engagement, customer experiences, and social media marketing.
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